One of our primary goals is to promote quality education for all learners with visual impairments in South Africa.
Our Education Committee addresses all issues concerning education from pre-school intervention to general, further and tertiary education and training, as well as adult basic education and training.
“Knowledge is love and light and vision.” – Helen Keller
Facilities and Support
It is crucial that specialised schools and resource centres are developed and strengthened to accommodate the blind and visually impaired. Our committee will also support learners who can cope in mainstream schools, provided that adequate assistance is provided by education authorities and that the parents of the learners have made informed decisions. The Education Committee will continue to oversee the education and training of learners, as it is their constitutional right.
Curriculum Development
The committee offers valuable input into the development of a curriculum with high standards. It must be adapted to suit the special needs of its learners, therefore we encourage quality teaching of reading and writing braille, orientation and mobility, life skills and career education. Emphasis is also placed on mathematics, science, music and computer technology.
Student Bursaries
Blind students not only need financial aid, but special equipment, study material and transport. Our annual bursaries are awarded on academic merit and help give visually disabled students the same opportunities as their sighted peers. Bursaries are made possible by donors who choose to sponsor students at universities and colleges around South Africa, from first year through to a postgraduate Masters degree.
Download the student bursary application form here.
Adult Education
Blindness often interrupts the education of young adults. We give those who missed out on writing their Matric the opportunity to do so by assessing candidates and registering those successfully with the Education Department. We supply each learner with study material in braille or in audio format, a recording device as well as a Perkins Brailler for the duration their studies.
Learners’ Fund
Where appropriate, financial assistance is extended to parents or guardians of children who are at school. This is done through Blind SA’s Learners’ Fund.